Monday, December 20, 2010

Chicken salad with cranberries

This is a classic chicken salad with a touch of sweet - dried cranberries. It is good as a sandwich, rolled in a corn tortilla, on lettuce, topped on sliced tomatoes or just plain in a little bowl. Since I waste not, I like to boil my chicken on the bone and keep the broth for something else. Tonight's chicken salad was made with chicken quarters I found on sale for $0.78/lb. I have also used already made rotisserie chicken that was marked down. Most grocery stores mark the rotisseries down around 6 pm. With a Winn-Dixie card compounded with the mark down, you can get a chicken for only $2! Plus, the bones from the rotisserie make a super good stock. Keep in mind that chicken salad is no exact science!
Makes 4 to 6 servings

Prep time: 20 minutes (sometimes longer if you need to remove bones)
Cook time: 20 to 30 minutes
Cost: about $3 or $0.75 to $0.50 per serving

2 chicken quarters, boiled
1/2 small onion, minced
1 to 2 stalks of celery, minced
1/4 cup mayo
handful of dried cranberries (raisins, apples and mango are also good)
Tony's/salt and pepper to taste

Boil chicken for 20 to 30 minutes, or until the meat begins to fall from the bone. (If making a stock to keep, put the bones back in and boil them some more). Removed bones and chop chicken.
In a large mixing bowl, mix everything together.

Yeah, it is that easy.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like something my sister and I can EASILY take to school without getting messy. can't wait to try it!
